
Shenzhen and Taiwan regather to discuss the Union of Intelligent Campus

发布时间:2017-05-02 信息来源: 荔园小学(荔园教育集团)
  On June 7th, twenty-two primary schools of the Union of Intelligence Campus of Shenzhen and Taiwan gathered in Liyuan Primary School to take part in a Roundtable Forum and discuss developments.



  More than 100 people took part in the forum, including the deputy director general of the Education Bureau of Futian District ZhangJian, the dean of Information Center and Teaching Research Center, the headteachers and the dean of students and core teachers of twenty-two schools of the Union. The theme of this forum is discussing how to construct the integrated teaching of information technology of primary school, sharing intelligence and experiences. In the first day of the forum, the educational inspector of Educational Bureau of Taipei government HangZhangze and the headteacher of Nangang Primary School in Taipei LiuLinrong had a leture and discussion about how to make a blueprint about the integration of information technology and education, and about the communication of curriculum concept, which had great inspiration for promoting the modern management and education of schools.



  It is said that the Union of Intelligent Campus will organize the headteachers, the deans of students and core teachers to take part in the Summit Forum of Global Technological Education in Taipei and the 100-year anniversary of Nangang Primary School. Sixteen countries and the  headteachers of more than 200 primary schools and middle schools in northern, central, and  southern Taipei. Through the arrangement of Futian Taiwan-commerce association, the Summit Forum will be held by Futian Educational Bureau and Taiwan Province.


